APM - Seamless software solutions

We’re Taking Flight: Introducing APM’s New Brand

Wel­come aboard! ✈️

After months of hard work behind the scenes, we’re thrilled to offi­cial­ly unveil the new APM brand – a fresh look that marks a new chap­ter in our mis­sion to empow­er air­lines with cut­ting-edge tools and exper­tise for peak oper­a­tional per­for­mance. As we step for­ward with a renewed iden­ti­ty, we’re not just chang­ing our look – we’re ampli­fy­ing our com­mit­ment to the air­lines we serve.

Why the Change?

We’ve been in this indus­try long enough to know it’s any­thing but pre­dictable. Air­lines face dynam­ic chal­lenges and evolv­ing demands, and it’s our job to make sure they’re pre­pared to fly through it all. Our updat­ed brand reflects our dri­ve to stay ahead, adapt, and con­tin­u­al­ly sup­port air­lines as a true part­ner in suc­cess. From the logo to our tagline, every ele­ment has been craft­ed with pur­pose – to rep­re­sent our for­ward-think­ing approach, our ded­i­ca­tion to oper­a­tional excel­lence, and our focus on real-time, action­able data that makes a difference.

The Essence of APM

Our new look reflects more than just aes­thet­ics. The design is ground­ed in our pur­pose: empow­er­ing oper­a­tions teams with acces­si­ble, real-time data to dri­ve cost-effi­cient deci­sion-mak­ing across slot and crew man­age­ment. We’re here to make a com­plex world sim­pler for our cus­tomers, and that’s a com­mit­ment we’re bring­ing to life with every interaction.

Ready to Con­nect: Meet Us in Singapore!

We’re kick­ing things off with a bang at the IATA Slot Con­fer­ence in Sin­ga­pore. If you’re attend­ing, come by Stand 76 and say hel­lo! We’ll be there to share our sto­ry, answer your ques­tions, and dis­cuss how our solu­tions can enhance your airline’s per­for­mance. And, because we’re cel­e­brat­ing, we’ve added a bit of excite­ment: join our reac­tion com­pe­ti­tion for a chance to win a lux­u­ry bag! (Who doesn’t love a good competition?) 🎉

What’s Next?

Our new brand is just the begin­ning. We’re look­ing­for­ward to what’s next in air­line per­for­mance. Whether it’s through our indus­try insights, inno­v­a­tive soft­ware, or face-to-face inter­ac­tions at events like the IATA Slot Con­fer­ence, APM is here to sup­port you every step of the way.

Join the Journey

Our team has always been about more than tech­nol­o­gy; we’re about peo­ple, part­ner­ships, and a shared vision for a sus­tain­able and effi­cient future. Fol­low us on LinkedIn, Twit­ter, and Insta­gram to stay in the loop with our lat­est updates, insights, and sto­ries. And don’t be shy – reach out, ask ques­tions, and let’s make a dif­fer­ence together.

Here’s to a new chap­ter for APM and for all our incred­i­ble part­ners in the skies. 🌎


APM Logo

APM — Air­line Per­for­mance Mastered

APM ISO certified for over 7 years

APM are delight­ed to announce we have suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed an ISO 9001 ‑2015 recer­ti­fi­ca­tion. This means APM has been an ISO cer­ti­fied organ­i­sa­tion for over 7 years.
We con­tin­ue to refine our own sys­tems and process­es in sup­port of the stan­dard, which has result­ed in major effi­cien­cy and qual­i­ta­tive improve­ments in our avi­a­tion soft­ware as it becomes brows­er based.


APM Highlights 2019

We extend­ed two large con­tracts dur­ing 2019 and gained two new customers

We devel­oped over 300 new func­tions to improve the capa­bil­i­ty of software

We pur­chased new state of the art test­ing tools to assist us in our quest for great quality

We start­ed to pro­duce a range of ‘how to’ videos on some key functionality

We con­tin­ued our invest­ment mak­ing some major progress in 3 tier web enabled tech­nol­o­gy using the lat­est approach­es to our inter­face for easy cus­tomer use

We con­tin­ued to move our inte­gra­tion ser­vices from SOAP based to Rest based, for faster and more effi­cient integration

We con­tin­ued to build the APM REST API in Java using the lat­est libraries (appli­ca­tion pro­gramme inter­face) for bet­ter mod­u­lar­i­ty through APM modules

We expand­ed the scope of our Part­ner Inte­gra­tion ser­vices so we now have mul­ti­ple options for ingest­ing code share flights and export­ing those flights with your own to your part­ners, such as air­lines, inven­to­ry sys­tems and ground han­dlers util­is­ing SSIM, SSM and ASM includ­ing DEI10 and DEI50

We launched our new Vaca­tion Plan­ning Module

We devel­oped a web-based pay­roll mod­ule to process pay­roll enti­tle­ments in accor­dance with the rules of a lead­ing Euro­pean Airline

We main­tained our ISO 9001 2015 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion to sup­port our Qual­i­ty Man­age­ment Systems

We renewed our Cyber Essen­tials certification

We launched are revised brand reflect­ing the mod­ern and con­tem­po­rary soft­ware, cus­tomer focussed ser­vice the APM Team works hard to achieve.

We have some excit­ing things in our plans for 2020, despite the Coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic that has dis­rupt­ed the avi­a­tion indus­try. In par­tic­u­lar we will bring some excit­ing new Mobile Apps for Oper­a­tions (OCC) and Crew to the mar­ket place.

Make sure you fol­low us on LinkedIn and Twit­ter for updates about what we are doing

APM — an aviation software company with a difference

APM Mission and Values

DreamJet SAS “La Compagnie” have selected APM

APM are delight­ed to announce that Dream­Jet SAS have select­ed APM to sup­ply our air­craft sched­ul­ing, crew­ing, oper­a­tions and finan­cial soft­ware. We look for­ward to pro­vid­ing Dream­Jet­SAS with a con­tin­u­al­ly improv­ing prod­uct and exem­plary service.

Developed in Switzerland Developed in Switzerland

Disclaimer: Whilst every attempt has been made to provide up to date and accurate information in this web site, APM retains the right to amend our services and products without reference or obligation.